Markus Rechberger / Xorg
StartSeite | MarkusRechberger/ | Neues | TestSeite | ForumSeite | Teilnehmer | Kategorien | Index | Hilfe | Einstellungen | Ändern hat derzeit die beste Unterstützung für i815 und i855gm Graphikchips, die letzten XFree i810 Treiber commits waren und sind fehlerhaft was sich im XVideo(Overlay) Bereich bemerkbar macht (die Offset Register wurden falsch initialisiert).

Driver interface:

Interessante Einstellungen bezüglich der Position mehrerer Screens:
      Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier "Main Layout"
        Screen     0 "Screen 1" Absolute 0 0
        Screen     1 "Screen 2" Absolute 1024 0
        Screen     "Screen 3" Absolute 2048 0


Chromium - sehr interessantes Projekt:

XFree issue:



typedef struct {
    int                 vendor;
    int                 chipType;
    int                 chipRev;
    int                 subsysVendor;
    int                 subsysCard;
    int                 bus;
    int                 device;
    int                 func;
    int                 class;
    int                 subclass;
    int                 interface;
    memType             memBase[6];
    memType             ioBase[6];
    int                 size[6];
    unsigned char       type[6];
    memType             biosBase;
    int                 biosSize;
    pointer             thisCard;
    Bool                validSize;
    Bool                validate;
    CARD32              listed_class;
} pciVideoRec, *pciVideoPtr;

typedef struct {
   char *                       identifier;
   char *                       vendor;
   char *                       board;
   char *                       chipset;
   char *                       ramdac;
   char *                       driver;
   struct _confscreenrec *      myScreenSection;
   Bool                         claimed;
   int                          dacSpeeds[MAXDACSPEEDS];
   int                          numclocks;
   int                          clock[MAXCLOCKS];
   char *                       clockchip;
   char *                       busID;
   Bool                         active;
   Bool                         inUse;
   int                          videoRam;
   int                          textClockFreq;
   unsigned long                BiosBase;       /* Base address of video BIOS */
   unsigned long                MemBase;        /* Frame buffer base address */
   unsigned long                IOBase;
   int                          chipID;
   int                          chipRev;
   pointer                      options;
   int                          irq;
   int                          screen;         /* For multi-CRTC cards */
} GDevRec, *GDevPtr;

Treiber liegen unter:


hsync und vsync und hz?! .. ich weiss 60 hz sind schlecht und 70 Hz erkennt man auch noch beim hinsehen.. je mehr Hz desto besser für die Augen.. (wobei ich bereits jahrelang mit TFTs arbeite..) die frage kam wieder auf wegen der ansteuerung meines videobeamers (wobei ich mir glücklicherweise demnächst ein Vtbook zulegen werde um das interpolierte bild loszuwerden und native hdtv auf den beamer zu bringen :)))

00:21 < revenger_> hey,.. I probably just have a simple question .. what's the idea behind vsync and hsync? .. in windows (god beware used it 4 years last time on my 
                   private pc) it was always possible to set the HZ value but in xfree I have to set the other values
00:22 < revenger_> I have no idea what connects hsync and vsync to that general hz value
00:22 < ajax> if you're thinking of a Hz value as indicating your refresh rate, you're thinking of the vsync rate
00:23 < ajax> hsync rates are usually measured in kHz
00:24 < revenger_> so that means from left to the right the refresh rate is kHz just from the top to the bottom the "general value"?
00:25 < ajax> yeah.  CRTs scan left to right, then top to bottom
00:26 < ajax> the hsync rate is how often the beam retraces from right edge to left edge, the vsync rate is how often the beam retraces from bottom to top
00:26 < ajax> so obviously the hsync rate will be much higher because you do it hundreds of times for each vertical retrace
00:26 < revenger_> (just thought about it because I got a video beamer a few months ago people wrote it's a nice beamer but I'm not really satisfied 100% with what I get 
                   there.. fast scenes still look strange..)
00:27 < revenger_> thanks for that info :-)

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