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[1] Twollars(abbreviation tw) is ready and proposed to you by EisoKant at http://wikiwikimoney.com/exploracoeur/
[2]TwitBank (abbreviation tb) is ready and proposed to you by Twitter:glenux at
This currency was created after a first TwollarsFeedback and a Explorateurs:ExplorApero on 10 march 2009.
Exploracoeur is a thank you money. With it, you can say thank you in a different way... If someone receives a lot of thank you's because his/her contribution is appreciated, he/she can get some recognition.
Exploracoeur is a solution in times of crisis and a basis for experimenting ThankYouMoney, making exchanges durable, and boosting collaboration in the web explorer group when the amount of available usual money is scarce.
In order to increase exchange velocity of exploracoeurs between players, each user will receive 200 exploracoeurs for free at the start. Players actively participate in building the money: defining its aim, usage, building IT platforms, running banks and building its future.
Each player may choose to play with one or several bank(s). At the start, two banks are proposed : ExploraCoeur Twollars (tw) et TwitBank (tb). Each player can use Twollars, TwitBank or the two.
Everyone can receive Exploracoeurs and is free to give them back to anyone, thus building up the currency and joining the Exploracoeur experiment!
Every player, web explorer or friends has to use Twitter to send a tweet to
This message to declare formally your interest in the Exploracoeur experiment follows the following syntax:
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Please add in the same tweet one or more additional HashTag(s).
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Players are ready to begin the Exploracoeur experiment. We have an issue regarding the poor ratio of women vs men. We are in search of female volunteers.
We dispatch all experimenters on platforms (abbreviation pf) [2]
To choose the platform(s) you want to use, tweet one of the following tweets:
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The list of experimenters is here at PinkoMarketing/ExploraCoeur/ExploraCoeurJoueurs
If a person decides to opt out, they ask the banker to delete their account. Once that is effected, their account do not exist anymore and their name disappears in all transactions they were a part of, although they still appear in the other experimenters' accounts.
The collective decision was to keep the exploracoeur name.
Besides using Exploracoeur as the name of the project and the currency, we will work at simplifying the syntax by using an abbreviation.
As a sample:
Voting on this subject is closed since the 31th of march 8 PM. Please check on ExploraCoeurBut to find details on the various goal proposed and on the voting.
Final decision is: No goal.
The constraint of this solution is that the people who act as bankers have to be absolutely trustworthy:
1) Any experimeter's account will be debited by an amout corresponding to half the amount of ExploraCoeur they give (consequently, it is preferable to give an even amount of ExploraCoeur
, otherwise, the amount debited will be rounded to the greater unit).
Example: If I give Mary Doe 10 ExploraCoeur, she receive 10 ExploraCoeur
and my account is debited of an amount of 5 ExploraCoeur
2) At the end of every week, (on Sunday midnight), all expermimenter's accounts are decreased by 10% rounded to the lesser unit. In other words, the money dwindles if not used, and only giving it away (as well as the possible arrival of new experimenters) creates new amounts of it.
Example: I have 57 ExploraCoeur left on my account on Sunday evening. On the following Monday morning, my account will hold 57 minus 5.7 rounded to 6, that is 51 ExploraCoeur
GIVE 10 #exploracoeur @username to greet an ExploraCoeur newcomer.
Only Banker(s) can decide when to start such temporary solution.
Ultimately, we aim at using ExploraCoeur widely, not just on Twitter
or through Internet, but also via SMS, etc.
Therefore, we agree on the following principles: an ExploraCoeur currency simultaneously existing on several platforms, HashTagMobileMoney (FreeCurrency) to test run it on any social media (SMS, internet, point of sales product, stamps, speechtotext, paper checks/piece of paper, ...).
Design by HayatOutahar. Thank you for your feedbacks.
Si vous disposez d'un compte Twitter, sentez-vous libre de venir nous rejoindre.
(200 crédits offerts)
Suivez votre TwitBank !
(attention : ID minuscules) ID :
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