Cdml Calendar
The calendar function produces a tabular display which may link to pages for each day or - better - to sections within pages for each month. Actual dates can optionally show in a graphical bar.
The simple example:
is produced by the following input:
Another example:
is produced by:
In addition to the following parameters you can use all CdmlTable parameters.
- distance sets the horizontal position of the calendar display (default: centered)
- subtitlebackground background color of the second row containing the labels for the days.
- e.g. [subtitlebackground=lightgreen]
- todaybackground background color for the current day (default: lightblue).
- e.g. [todaybackground=pink]
- weekendbackground backgroundcolor for saturdays and sundays (default: lightgray)
- e.g. [weekendbackground=white]
- options special options (default: empty)
- e.g. [options=s] graphical bar display of the actual dates
- linkpattern sets the link-URL (default: {page}/{year}{month}#{day})
- e.g. [linkpattern=Calendar {year}__{month}__{day}] (Example for pages for each day)
- timerange sets the time range displayed in the graphical bar (default: 8:00-18:00)
- e.g. [timerange=0:00-24:00]
- page sets the page that is used for replacing {page} in the link pattern (default: the current page)
- e.g. [page=Calendar] Sets the base name absolutely.
- year and the parameter month set the month displayed (default: the current year)
- month and the parameter year set the month displayed (default: das current month)
- e.g. [month=10] sets October absolutely
- e.g. [month=0] the current month
- e.g. [month=-1] the previous month
- e.g. [month=+1] the next month
- e.g. [month=-4q] the addition option q makes the starting month the beginning of a quarter (by stepping back one or two months if necessary).
- count number of the months displayed (default:1)
- e.g. [count=3] three months are displayed
- columns number of the months displayed horizontally (default:3). Will only have an effect if count is greater than columns.
- e.g. [columns=6] six months are displayed side by side
- calendarpadding sets the free space between the months (default:2)
- barheight changes the height of the graphical bar (default: 4)
- e.g. [barheight=10]. Note: makes only sense used together with [options=s].
- bardistance changes the vertical distance between the day number and the graphical bar (default: 2). Note: makes only sense used together with [options=s].
More examples (use "Edit" to look at the input for producing them)
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