Directory Layout
UnderConstruction: this page will describe the arrangement of the ProWiki directories on a ProWikiServer.
The DirectoryLayout describes the arrangement of the ProWiki directories on a ProWikiServer. This is of interest to admins and programmers. Users neither see nor need to know about these implementation details.
Server view (no wiki inside detail)
The server directory layout is configurable, because adminstrators often do not have full controll over the server directory layout (for example a VirtualServer or ManagedServer may impose restrictions on you). So practically ServerConfigFile defines using Options where the main directories of the ProWiki systems are located.
Wiki view (no outside server detail)
The internal directory structure of a ProWiki directory is built by the ProWikiScript. The administrator has control over it, and sometimes operates directly on the files in it (for example delete old LogFiles).
FolderAdministration FolderProgramming