May 3, 2006
Feature Requests
This is a Branch of ProWikiCenter dedicated to a feature-oriented discussion of the further development of ProWiki. Anyone can add FeatureRequests here to discuss them and to have them implemented eventually.

Create a new page for a feature request:
page name:

Users: please be patient. Please note that implementing a single feature is easy, but having a consistent system of orthogonal features is a slow growth process. Some ideas need a year or two of pondering how to do it in the ideal way. Other features can be suggested and implemented in a few hours, when a framework already exists. Please be patient and realistic.

Developers: please talk to us. Hundreds of ProWiki features have already been implemented since 2001 and about two hundred features are in our papers which we will add here for discussion and elaboration during 2006. There are also a number of experiemental and undocumented features and feature requests. Please talk to us before you jump on the source eager to get your feet wet.

24 pages:date of last change
FeatureRequests/RegisterAUserJune 9, 2008 15:47
FeatureRequests/AWayToBeAbleToCreateAPageAnywhereMarch 10, 2007 23:48
FeatureRequests/APossibityToDoWithoutTheSideBarMarch 10, 2007 23:27
FeatureRequests/AMarch 10, 2007 23:18
FeatureRequests/RegistrationFeaturesMarch 10, 2007 4:15
FeatureRequests/FractalWikiVisualizationDecember 10, 2006 13:52
FeatureRequests/SpamDefenseNovember 9, 2006 18:41
FeatureRequests/TurnOffCollisionsOctober 28, 2006 12:50
FeatureRequests/SelectUserInterfaceOctober 18, 2006 20:13
FeatureRequests/SimplerLoginOctober 11, 2006 7:15
FeatureRequests/LinkRewriteSeptember 9, 2006 8:25
FeatureRequests/LinkingWithoutIndexingAugust 10, 2006 8:34
FeatureRequests/AmazonAffiliateJuly 20, 2006 9:12
FeatureRequests/WikiWysiwygJuly 11, 2006 10:29
FeatureRequests/ImageProcessingJuly 9, 2006 12:00
FeatureRequests/EmailNotificationJuly 6, 2006 11:21
FeatureRequests/SearchFocusMay 17, 2006 9:19
FeatureRequests/FolderInheritanceMay 13, 2006 11:01
FeatureRequests/WikiNetMay 13, 2006 10:56
FeatureRequests/AutoUnlockMay 12, 2006 13:23
FeatureRequests/AutomaticLockRemovalMay 12, 2006 13:22
FeatureRequests/SmallSearchFormForTemplateApril 27, 2006 14:02
FeatureRequests/FolderPageCreationWithoutAlternativesApril 27, 2006 10:28
FeatureRequests/TransClusionApril 25, 2006 10:54
