This is a support page for the 2003 ICFP contest D-Fun team.
- e-mail, news:news.digitalmars.com/D, /IRC, /CVS
- /WikiBasics
- Daniel Yokomiso, MAIL daniel_yokomiso (AT) yahoo.com.br
- Burton Radons, MAIL loth (AT) users.sourceforge.net
- Nic Tiger, MAIL nictiger (AT) progtech.ru
- HelmutLeitner, MAIL leitner (AT) wikiservice.at
- http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/icfpcontest/index.html
- contestant BBS, http://tro.dyndns.org/icfp/
- submitted tracks gallery, http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/icfpcontest/tracks/trackview.html
- FAQ, http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Wash/QandAs/QAs.cgi
For those doing D development (car)
- install new dmd version 0.67 important!
- install new dig version important!
- http://www.opend.org/dig (Website)
- http://www.opend.org/dig/arc/dig-0.0.12.zip (Release)
- http://www.opend.org/dig/arc/dig_html-0.0.12.zip (Documentation pack)
- in /dig: make install
- in /icfp2003: make
- put /dig in your path
- checkout from /CVS
- International Conference on Functional Programming: http://www.cs.luc.edu/icfp/
- ICFP 2005 ( http://icfpc.plt-scheme.org/): The 2005 contest has already started. Looks like it's too late to entry. I was too busy this year anyway.
- See also ICFP2004