Last update April 14, 2006

Phobos /
Date2 Str

Date formatter (date2str)

Author/Contact: CarlosSantander MAIL carlos8294 (AT)

Project Page: None.

Download URL:

Mailing list: None.

Summary: Taking the spirit of Excel, SQL, etc., given the date: fri jan 22, 2004 17:03:34 gmt-5, these will be the expected results for each format string:

yyyy=YYYY: 2004 yy=YY: 04 MM: 01 M: 1 MO=mo: jan month: january dd=DD: 22 d=D: 22 w: fri ww: friday W: 6 WW: 5 h=H12: 5 hh=HH12: 05 H=H24: 17 HH=HH24: 17 t: pm T: PM m: 3 mm: 03 s=S: 34 ss=SS: 34 z=Z: -5 zz=ZZ: -05 zzzz=ZZZZ: -0500

any other chars are written as they come to write the formatting symbols (as "ww"), enclose them between % (like "%ww%") to write the "%" sign, write 2 consecutives (like "%%") to get the same result as, use fmt = "w mo dd H:mm:ss G%MT%zzzz yyyy"

Status: Done and sent to the newsgroup.

In need of help?: Not (already done).

Other People Comments:

Project: Wildcard expansion (for win32) multiple modules

Author/Contact: LarryCowan MAIL larrycowan (AT)

Project Page: WildCard

Download URL: Download

Mailing list: None.

Summary: This project has 5 completed modules:

    expandw.d which contains a static WildCard class with expand(...) public functions.
        ?, *, [...], and [^...] are supported in patterns, and partial (. based) or
        fullpath arguments can be given.
        A way to use regular expressions instead of (or interspersed with) wildcard
        patterns is included, but has had no testing at all.

parsestring.d containing 2 functions useable independently: char[][] parsestring ( char[] str, char[] delimiters ) bit charInString ( char c, char[] str )

wildmatch.d containing a class WildMatch which accepts a pattern, builds a state machine, and will check file or directory name input by using the test(name) function.

wc.d which is a mars wc.d modified to use the WildCard expander on its args.

hilevel.d which is a program that scans a d module, sluffing all non-global level data and most of the comments, displaying a gross skeleton of the module.

Note: these have been made into separate modules in hope some or all of the project will make it into Phobos.

Status: Completed, but may have future updates.

 In need of help?: Someone to try it on unix or linux (not really needed there 
                   due to the shell) and someone to test out the re_..._ patterning 
                   for regular expressions would be appreciated (coded, but I haven't 
                   really tried using it).

Other People Comments will be appreciated, either here or in email:

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