Last update November 25, 2009

Doc Comments /

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Added: 2a3,4
Should add whether extra '/' are ignored after '///' as it seems like a possible logical extension of the '+' and '*' rule but is not mentioned. I would say '/////Comment' would be the embedded comment '//Comment' based on the spec but would not be surprised if it's actually 'Comment' and I personally think that would make more sense. -- Merlin Meyer-Mitchell?

Embedded Documentation

Should add whether extra '/' are ignored after '///' as it seems like a possible logical extension of the '+' and '*' rule but is not mentioned. I would say '/////Comment' would be the embedded comment '//Comment' based on the spec but would not be surprised if it's actually 'Comment' and I personally think that would make more sense. -- Merlin Meyer-Mitchell?

More Information



See the corresponding page in the D Specification: DigitalMars:d/ddoc.html
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Edit text of this page (date of last change: November 25, 2009 16:49 (diff))