Last update October 20, 2006

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Using D in a CGI Environment

I usually want my programs to be able to run in a web browser, ie you navigate an address to run the program and to use the arguments for execution. For example

[[code] http://localhost/cgi-bin/MyDProgram?page=12345&something=else&another=keepitup]

To do this we use the std.c.stdlib library (borrowed from C)
Some useful functions:

static import std.c.stdlib;
static import std.string;
char[] queryString() {
return std.string.toString(std.c.stdlib.getenv("{QUERY STRING}?"));

This function simply retrieved the Query String (in the example: "page=12345&something=else&another=keepitup")

If you want to use it as a module, you could use the following functions to give yourself a global _GET array hash map as you have available in PHP:

module jcgi;

// static makes the std.c.stdlib REQUIRED
static import std.c.stdlib;
static import std.string;

// global variable
char[][char[]] _GET;

// called when module is imported, initializes the hash map (_GET)
static this() {
// Output content type
jcgi.print("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
// Initialize _GET array.
_GET = jcgi.set_GET();

// fetch query string
char[] queryString() {
return std.string.toString(std.c.stdlib.getenv("{QUERY STRING}?"));

// assign values to _GET hash map (associative array)
char[][char[]] set_GET() {
char[][char[]] ret;
char[] q = std.string.strip(jcgi.queryString());
char[][] args = std.string.split(q, "&");
delete q;
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
char[][] tmp = std.string.split(args[i], "=");
ret[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
delete tmp;
delete args;
return ret;

If you were hoping to have some more functions that PHP does (for testing purposes or whatever), you could use the following simple ones:

static import io = std.stdio;

void print_r(char[][char[]] arr) {
foreach(key, value; arr)
io.writefln("%s => %s", key, value);

void print(char[] string) {

I am wondering if anyone has a function written that could take a string like "hello $name!" and turn it into "hello " ~ name ~ "!".

Here is some simple stuff to get you started in using your D program in a web environment.

Using D in a CGI Environment
I usually want my programs to be able to run in a web browser, ie you navigate an address to run the program and to use the arguments for execution. For example


To do this we use the std.c.stdlib library (borrowed from C) Some useful functions:

static import std.c.stdlib;
static import std.string;
char[] queryString() {
	return std.string.toString(std.c.stdlib.getenv("QUERY_STRING"));

This function simply retrieved the Query String (in the example: "page=12345&something=else&another=keepitup")

If you want to use it as a module, you could use the following functions to give yourself a global _GET array hash map as you have available in PHP:

module jcgi;

// static makes the std.c.stdlib REQUIRED
static import std.c.stdlib;
static import std.string;

// global variable
char[][char[]] _GET;

// called when module is imported, initializes the hash map (_GET)
static this() {
	// Output content type
	jcgi.print("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
	// Initialize _GET array.
	_GET = jcgi.set_GET();

// fetch query string
char[] queryString() {
	return std.string.toString(std.c.stdlib.getenv("QUERY_STRING"));

// assign values to _GET hash map (associative array)
char[][char[]] set_GET() {
	char[][char[]] ret;
	char[] q = std.string.strip(jcgi.queryString());
	char[][] args = std.string.split(q, "&");
	delete q;
	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
		char[][] tmp = std.string.split(args[i], "=");
		ret[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
		delete tmp;
	delete args;
	return ret;

If you were hoping to have some more functions that PHP does (for testing purposes or whatever), you could use the following simple ones:

static import io = std.stdio;

void print_r(char[][char[]] arr) {
	foreach(key, value; arr)
		io.writefln("%s => %s", key, value);

void print(char[] string) {

I am wondering if anyone has a function written that could take a string like "hello $name!" and turn it into "hello " ~ name ~ "!".

Here is some simple stuff to get you started in using your D program in a web environment.

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